Hands-on With Data Science

This learning path is a continuation of the Data Science Fundamentals learning path and its materials are led by data scientists. This is where you’ll get to practice what you’ve learned in the fundamentals section.

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What are you going to learn?
Watch the video below!

Welcome to the hands-on with data science series of courses
This learning path is a continuation of the Data Science Fundamentals learning path and its materials are led by data scientists. The hands-on part is represented by software simulations, notebooks, and Python-based web app frameworks. This is where you’ll get to practice what you’ve learned in the fundamentals section. Each course will be more thoroughly introduced when you get there.

Key topics

  • data processing and exploratory data analysis
  • data modeling

This learning path is intended for everyone who wants to better understand data science workflow and get some hands-on experience. 
We recommend that you complete the Data Science Fundamentals learning path before this series of courses

After successfully completing all courses from this series you will be able to get started with your own data science journey.
Good luck on your learning journey.