Extractor-utils Library for Cognite Python SDK

Course 3 of 7 in Data Engineer Basics - Integrate

Get started with Cognite's extractor utility package.

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About this course

Welcome to the Extractor-utils Library for Cognite Python SDK course!
Cognite has developed the extractor-utils library to help the development of extractors using the Cognite Python SDK. Cognite has used this library to develop its DB extractor. If you are developing your own custom extractor, this library will be your toolkit to reduce the complexity of creating an extractor from scratch.

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Articulate the advantages of using the Cognite extractor-utils package for Python.
  • Describe the modules of the library.

Cognite Academy has developed this course with:

Mathias Lohne
Software Engineer

Data Engineers or anyone interested in how to get data from various siloed systems into CDF.

Knowledge prerequisites
A general understanding of extractors and a good knowledge of Python.

Technical prerequisites

Content45 min

  • Introduction
  • Welcome
  • Introduction to the utility package
  • Tips and Tricks
  • Python Utility Package
  • Step 1: Start a new project
  • Step 2: Import your extractor project into PyCharm
  • Step 3: Defining a code schema
  • Step 4: Read CSV files
  • Step 5: Uploading data to CDF
  • Step 6: Main function
  • Step 7: Keeping states
  • Step 8: Packaging your extractor
  • Summary
  • End of course
  • Share your feedback

About this course

Welcome to the Extractor-utils Library for Cognite Python SDK course!
Cognite has developed the extractor-utils library to help the development of extractors using the Cognite Python SDK. Cognite has used this library to develop its DB extractor. If you are developing your own custom extractor, this library will be your toolkit to reduce the complexity of creating an extractor from scratch.

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Articulate the advantages of using the Cognite extractor-utils package for Python.
  • Describe the modules of the library.

Cognite Academy has developed this course with:

Mathias Lohne
Software Engineer

Data Engineers or anyone interested in how to get data from various siloed systems into CDF.

Knowledge prerequisites
A general understanding of extractors and a good knowledge of Python.

Technical prerequisites

Content45 min

  • Introduction
  • Welcome
  • Introduction to the utility package
  • Tips and Tricks
  • Python Utility Package
  • Step 1: Start a new project
  • Step 2: Import your extractor project into PyCharm
  • Step 3: Defining a code schema
  • Step 4: Read CSV files
  • Step 5: Uploading data to CDF
  • Step 6: Main function
  • Step 7: Keeping states
  • Step 8: Packaging your extractor
  • Summary
  • End of course
  • Share your feedback